Thursday, March 26, 2009

Exciting Times

I am being converted. Last night I was at school until 10pm doing spring planning, which involves setting up a power point for the Board of Education (whose power to tax has been stripped - bit of a sore spot there) to justify our programs and their expenditures. I basically took over the technology section of the power point and I plan on explaining to the Board the benefits of collective thinking among teachers, students, and human-beings in general!

We need to fundamentally change the way we think of the internet - it is not a huge encyclopedia filled with static information, but a living, learning digital organism that provides a medium that can connect us like never before.

Interviewing young teachers this spring has also been enlightening and encouraging. Almost all of the teacher candidates under 25 mention wikis, blogs, and many other webtools that will enable them to connect to the entire educational establishment as well as to their students in ways they never could before. Exciting times.

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me think of this quote -
